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NOK Group s.r.o. reg. 28539362, Pobřezní 370/4, 186 00, Karlín, Prague 8, Czech Republic
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Conference call
Conference Call Policy
If you are using Conference Call Service you are charged for the call right after you fill in the Conference Call reservation form. The deposit charge of 6 POINTs is the minimum you pay, which makes up 15 minutes of your talk with the lady. This means that even if you talk less than 15 minutes the entire sum will be used up, it cannot be transferred partially on to the next call.
Every additional minute of your talk costs another 0.25 of a POINT, irrespectively of the duration of your talk. The time of your conversation with the lady is counted from the moment the operator connects you to the lady. The duration of the talk is determined automatically and is expressed in round numbers (minutes of your talk). E.g.: 15 minutes 15 seconds of your talk will be equated to 16 minutes.
If you want to continue your conversation with the lady over 15 minutes you should have positive balance on your account. When you 15 pre-paid minutes come to an end, an operator will inform you about it and ask whether you would like to continue. Charge for additional minutes will be deducted from your account after the conference call is over.
If you provide your Skype ID in the conference call order form, and we are able to contact you by Skype, you get 1 POINT back to your account after the conversation finishes.
If the talk does not take place the deposit charge of 6 POINTs is refunded to you.
The number of minutes of several talks with ladies is not summarized. Each of the calls taken place is paid separately. If you would like to speak to several ladies using the Conference Call Service, please note that you will need to reserve each call separately, i.e. you fill in the Conference Call reservation form for each lady and you are charged 6 POINTs for each reservation.
Please, note, the deposit is not refunded if you are unavailable at the phone numbers or Skype ID indicated in Conference Call reservation form during the period of time the phone conversation has been scheduled for. You take all responsibility for indication your Time Zone right when you fill in the Conference Call reservation form.
But should you like to reschedule the reservation please use the Support Center ticket to inform us. If it is less than 24 hours until the scheduled time of your conversation we do not guarantee that the conference call can be rearranged.
In case the reserved call does not go through due to some technical problems we will arrange the call for some other time or return full deposit to your account.
If the lady cannot accept your call at the time appointed, we will arrange the call for some other time or return full deposit to your account.
If you have any inquiries concerning your conference call reservation, please write to us through Support Center. Please indicate the lady's ID number.
Conference Call Rules
Conference call service is performed in accordance with these rules.
Conference call operators' work is about interpreting your talk with the lady and assisting you in your understanding each other. If you have any questions about our other services, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team through a Support Center. Operators are not allowed to answer questions going beyond the interpreting service.
Conference call operators are not allowed to provide you with the lady's personal contact information (her telephone number, email, postal address, etc.) in any situation (even if the lady herself asked you to call her personally but forgot to give you her phone number). Any contact information is confidential, that is why only ladies themselves can give it to you during the conference call. The operator is not responsible for the accuracy of the contact information provided by the lady, as well as for the lady's correct understanding of your contacts. What we can guarantee is accurate translation of the contact information!
Conference call operator cannot transfer any kind of information to ladies outside the client's telephone talk with ladies.
If the lady speaks English herself, and you communicate with her without any help of the interpreter, the talk is still considered as taken place and is paid in accordance with the existing terms.
All the telephone conversations are recorded. This is for quality assurance and provides historic record of actual conversations. Any recordings are confidential and are available only for Hanuma Net Ltd employees.
You are welcome to fill in the feedback form after your conference call with the lady which will help us to improve our conference call service.